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128 Inspirational Labor Day Quotes and Sayings 2021

Happy Labor Day Quotes

Labor Day USA Quotes

employees on labor day
To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth. -Pearl S. Buck Click To Tweet

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I’ve learned from experience that if you work harder at it and apply more energy and time to it, and more consistency, you get a better result. It comes from work. Louis C.K.

labor day usa 2020 status
Labor in this country is independent and proud. It has not to ask the patronage of capital, but capital solicits the aid of labor.  Daniel Webster Click To Tweet

I learned the value of hard work by working hard. – Margaret Mead

labor day usa inspirational
Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having except as a result of hard work. – Booker T. Washington Click To Tweet

Dare to be honest and fear no labor. – Robert Burns

labor day usa
God sells us all things at the price of labor.” » Leonardo da Vinci Click To Tweet

If wars are eliminated and production is organized scientifically, it is probable that four hours’ work a day will suffice to keep everybody in comfort.” » Bertrand Russell

Pushkar Agarwal
I am greatly interested in festivals all around the world because it helps me discover new thoughts, beliefs, and practices of different people celebrating various types of sacred rituals each having its own joy and happiness. I hope you will enjoy my blog.